Since our app launch in June, we have received overwhelming support from our users and the wider plant-based community. We would like to say a big thank you!
Personalise your nutrition goals
One of the most liked ideas from our community so far is a smart meal planner. This would enable our customers to select the recipes they would like to cook on any given day, and effortlessly track their nutritional intake like protein and iron, as well as their food budget.
We recognise that flexibility is key. While most of our plant-based customers care a lot about protein and cost, they also have varied interests in other goals. For example, some people want to ensure adequate iron, some people want to reduce their sodium levels, and some people want to boost their selenium intake.
We have taken onboard our customer feedback to create a virtuous loop inside the app. On the recipe level, we adopt a nutrition-first approach to create protein-rich meals that help you feel energetic. All of our ingredients are natural, healthy foods that you could easily buy in local supermarkets.
For everyday planning, we have created a smart meal planner that tracks your total intake for whichever nutrients you care most about. For most people, they are protein and iron, but you could easily personalise your goals to calcium, carbohydrates, or sodium.
Tracking your goals on the Home Screen
Even better, you could keep track of your primary goal from the Home Screen. We have used the latest iOS technology to create a Home Screen widget for your ease of use. You could simply plan ahead using our meal planner and know that you are meeting your personal targets every day.
Saving money made easier
The biggest concern for people on a plant-based diet is cost. People feel that eating plant-based is often more expensive than the Standard Western Diet, especially given the high prices of meat and dairy substitutes. The worst part? While it's taking time for these products to get to price parity, our customers are also being squeezed by rapid inflation.
This has motivated us to design our recipes with low cost in mind. Our meals only use affordable ingredients you can buy in local supermarkets. We help you compare prices between Sainsbury's, Tesco, Aldi, and Waitrose to get the best deals.
With our meal planner, you could even track your overall daily food budget, alongside your nutritional goals like protein.
Download from Apple App Store today
If you would like to enjoy a protein-rich, nutrient-dense diet so you can feel high in energy every day, or simply want to save a lot of money while eating healthy, I encourage you to try our app on the App Store today. By just cooking 1 Plantwise recipe a day, you get to save over £120 per person per month compared with meal kit delivery services.